Moving across the country twice in one year is not an experience I would like to repeat. That being said, we've made it to our new home in Vancouver, WA. I apologize for missing last week but in the midst of packing, moving, prenatal care and ultrasounds, I just couldn't quite find the time.
Most women I've spoken to or read their blogs have talked about the woes of maternity clothing. "It is not flattering," I was told. Well what if I were to tell you that I am wearing a brand spanking new pair of maternity pants and I love them!? That's right, I love my maternity clothes! Why do I love them? Well, let me tell you.
My husband and I drove from our home in Atlanta, GA to our new temporary home in Vancouver, WA. The route we took means my husband drove 2,850 miles. I got to sleep in the passenger seat the whole way. While sitting, I had lots of time to ponder on just how uncomfortable normal clothes are. My t-shirts no longer fit my growing girth. My pants don't even fit when they're unbuttoned. Lately all I've been able to wear are maternity shirts I bought and basketball shorts or sweats. Now, I know that might sound heavenly to some, but it gets really old after a while for me. I actually like dressing up to look nice. And I hadn't been able to do that. So these pants are my way back into looking like a normal, functioning human being again. It's feeling hard to describe and share but one that is so great, you just gotta try anyway.
All in all, making the transition from skinny college student to well-rounded almost mother has been a bit of a body image shock for me. I suppose that is why the pants fitting me so well had such an effect on me. If there's one thing I've learned, it's okay to let little things like a new pair of pants boost your confidence. It helps when they make you look good too.
Glad you love your pants, Sweet Girl! You'll need more! The maternity clothes today are much more stylish than the ones available when I wore them. In fact, I made most of mine. I know your husband likes it when you feel good about yourself, so be sure to make yourself happy! Love, Granny
ReplyDeleteThey have some really cute maternity clothes now. Have fun and enjoy the ride the rewards at the end are great.